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4 reasons why your marketing strategy isn’t getting you the results you want

Your marketing strategy results can make or break your non profit organization.

Have you  launched a campaign that you were genuinely excited about but didn’t raise the amount of money you expected? That experience must have left you feeling sad and confused.

The reasons below will help you figure out what could have gone wrong.

You don’t have a target audience

A target audience is a specific group of people that you want to get your message across. They are the people that you have in mind when designing campaigns. Failure to have a target audience can be disastrous for your organization because you will never achieve results(getting funding and retaining donors)

Before designing a campaign, put your target audience’s age, gender and demographics into consideration so that your messages can uniquely be tailored to them.You can also go an extra in ensuring that your target audience comes across your messages by including their job titles and interests in your ad campaigns.

You don’t have goals

Goals act as a compass for your organization. They help you keep track of your vision and mission. 

To be effective, goals should be SMART; an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Attainable,Realistic and Time Bound.

Your stories are not compelling

Storytelling is a fundamental part of being human. We feel connected when we share stories about work, our experiences, family etc. Stories make your target audience memorize and internalize information a lot better. In order to start getting results from your marketing strategy, you need to start telling compelling stories about your work, vision and mission. 

A good story must evoke emotions such as pity, joy and fulfillment. The emotion must make the person watching or reading your story respond to your call to action, i.e. donating, signing up for membership or visiting your website

You are not building networks

 Putting yourself out there opens doors of new opportunities for your non profit. Networking is a great way to market your non profit to donors as you meet people with a common goal and vision as yours.

These people can eventually turn into donors or talk about you in rooms you cannot enter to pave the way for you. Some of the ways you can  build your network include  joining platforms such as  Linkedin and attending events hosted by other non profit founders.

Evaluate your current marketing strategy and identify the problem then use these tips to help you move forward. Nice goal smashing!